Thanksgiving is coming up fast. We’re definitely very thankful for our furry friends! Our animal companions come in all shapes and sizes, and we love them all. Of course, there’s no reason you can’t include smaller pets in your holiday plans. Read on as a Hendersonville, NC vet offers some advice on spending Turkey Day with Guinea pigs.
Who says you can’t decorate a cavy cage? Look for blankets, beds, and/or dishes with autumnal or Thanksgiving prints or colors. Or, put some stickers or hanging decorations on the outside of their cage. You can also keep an eye out for display pieces that would make cute seasonal hides or accent pieces. Just don’t use anything that could be dangerous, such as small or sharp objects; anything painted, stained, or dyed; and/or items with ropes or cords.
Those mouth-watering dishes are central to many holiday festivities. Go ahead and give your Guinea pigs a special treat. Many fruits and veggies are safe for these little guys. Some safe options include Romaine lettuce, broccoli spears, carrots, bell peppers, kale, and artichokes. As for fruits, you can offer small amounts of apples, oranges, pears, bananas, blueberries, or strawberries. Of course, it’s also important to know what not to give your cavies. That list includes garlic, onions, avocado, chocolate, caffeine, junk food, alcohol, pitted fruits, and anything with a lot of salt, sugar, or fat. Ask your vet for specific advice.
Guinea pigs can be quite timid. If you’re having a lot of people over, and your tiny furballs’ cage is kind of out in the open, your little buddies may get frightened. You may want to put your furry friends in a back room. Ask guests not to feed your pets or offer any toys without checking with you first. This is especially important if you are having kids over, as children could innocently try to share something unsafe.
Photo Shoot
We never tire of seeing adorable pictures of Guinea pigs. Host a little photo shoot of your pets! Your furry friends may look adorable in little Pilgrim hats. You can also put them on some seasonal props, such as cornucopias or pumpkin. Just don’t let them eat their props, or play with anything that isn’t safe.
Do you have questions or concerns about Guinea pigs? Contact us, your Hendersonville, NC animal clinic, today!