Happy New Year! Or, to our feline patients, Happy Mew Year! This is the first kitty holiday of 2023, and, while it technically takes place tomorrow, Fluffy won’t mind if you celebrate today. A local Flat Rock, NC vet offers some tips on celebrating the new year with your furry buddy in this article.
Mew Year’s Day was started by Wellcat, with the intent of giving our feline overlords their own special day to restart the calendar. Of course, you may have heard that cat years don’t quite match up with human years, at least as far as aging. It’s a bit more complicated than the nine kitty years to one human year allocation many people go by. By the time Fluffy is a year old, she’s reached an age equivalent to that of a 15 year old human. By age two, she’ll be about 24 human years. After that, it roughly translates to four cat years per each human year.
Are you making resolutions this year? Why not include your feline pal? You may want to decide to get Fluffy more toys, or perhaps upgrade her cat tower. Maybe it’s time to switch her to a better food or, if she’s getting older, set out pet ramps. Taking time to play with your pet every day is another great resolution. If your kitty hasn’t gone to the vet in a while, that’s definitely a great option.
Cats can also be wonderful sources of inspiration for making resolutions for ourselves. Fluffy is a purrfect role model when it comes to things like relaxing, getting enough rest, stretching, relaxing, taking time for self care, relaxing, spending time with your loved ones, and relaxing. She’s also a big proponent of meditation, yoga, physical fitness, food, good grooming, and building self confidence.
Paws For Thought
As we leave 2022 behind, this is a perfect time to reflect back on the past year, and think about the things you want for the coming one. Enjoy some quiet time with your furry little friend! Relaxing with a good movie and some takeout is a great way to wind down after a busy holiday season and gear up for the new year.
Happy New Year from Kanuga Animal Clinic, your Flat Rock, NC pet hospital. We look forward to providing great veterinary care in 2023 and for many years to come.