Holiday Survival Guide: Dogs And Guests
Happy Holidays! At this time of year, many of you are really looking forward to

Holiday Cat Care Tips
The holiday season is officially upon us! Fluffy probably won’t care too much if you

Thanksgiving With Guinea Pigs
Thanksgiving is coming up fast. We’re definitely very thankful for our furry friends! Our animal

Tips For Adopting A Senior Dog
November is Adopt A Senior Pet Month! We’re more than happy to help spread the

Benefits Of Adopting A Shelter Dog
October is Adopt A Shelter Dog Month! Quite a few of our patients are former

Feral Cat Day
Oct 16th is Feral Cat Day! Feral cat overpopulation is a huge problem, and one

Cute Ways To Celebrate International Rabbit Day
Did you know that September 25th is International Rabbit Day? Bunnies are irresistibly cute, and

Easy Ways To Make Your Cat Happy
September is a pretty important month for our feline buddies: it’s Happy Cat Month! Fluffy

Hamster Care Tips
Have you recently adopted a hamster? If so, you’ve got a pretty cute little buddy!

Fluffy’s Plans For International Cat Day
International Cat Day is August 8th! This certainly is an auspicious occasion for our feline