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Read All About It!

<strong>5 Moments Every Cat Owner Experiences</strong>

Kitties have been charming us—and keeping us entertained—for as much as 12,000 years? We’ve gotten

Beating Litter Box Odors

Cats are very clean and self-sufficient, which are definitely qualities that we appreciate in them.

<strong>6 Ways To Keep Your Dog From Getting Lost</strong>

Did you know that as many as one in three pets will go missing at
Cat looking up and to the left

Mew Year’s Day

Happy New Year! Or, to our feline patients, Happy Mew Year! This is the first

<strong>Choosing Holiday Gifts For Pets</strong>

Have you finished your holiday shopping yet? Your pet will definitely be happy to ‘supervise’
Calico cat on a gray chair

8 Reasons To Celebrate Cat Lovers’ Month 

Did you know that December is Cat Lovers’ Month? Of course, we think that Fluffy
Brown head dog standing on a HOME rug

Tips For Having Canine Guests

Brace yourselves: the holidays are coming. Are you having guests over? If your human guests
White cat with brown ears and long pink pompoms

Adopt A Senior Cat: Getting Fluffy Settled

It’s Adopt A Senior Pet Month! This is a wonderful cause, and one that definitely
Kitten with joker hat costume and pumpkin

Halloween Safety For Cats

Did you know that Halloween is one of the most dangerous holidays for cats? Fluffy
Grayish kitten sipping milk from milk bottle

Preparing For A Kitten

Have you recently decided to adopt a kitten? Congratulations! We’re sure that your bouncing ball
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