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Read All About It!

Craft for Your Local Shelters Day

There’s a pretty fun new holiday coming up, one that many of you may be

Helping Fido Beat the Heat

This summer is shaping up to be a scorcher, with record heat waves searing large

Fido’s Favorite Jobs

Did you know that the AKC divides dogs into groups? The different categories correlate to

Adopting a Shelter Cat Checklist

June is Adopt A Shelter Cat Month! THis is a wonderful cause, and one we

Microchipping Your Pet

Has your pet been microchipped yet? If not, we strongly recommend getting this done as

7 Pawesome Ways To Celebrate Be Kind To Animals Week With Kids

There’s a pretty important holiday coming up. Be Kind To Animals Week starts May 2nd!

Understanding Cattitude

Do you have a grouchy little curmudgeon on your hands? Does your feline friend change

5 Ways to Prevent Cruelty to Animals

April Is Prev ention of Cruelty to Animals Month. If you’re an animal lover, as

Cute Ways Cats Demand Respect

March 28th is a very auspicious day for our feline friends: it’s Respect Your Cat

To-Do List for Adopting a Puppy

Are you planning to bring a furry new family member into your household soon? Adopting
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